Orcheo XQ USG 4D

More than just a great scanner

Designed for the most demanding healthcare environments, the Orcheo XQ offers the unique combination of a small footprint/lightweight mobile system yet powerful enough to give you the superior image quality you need.Loaded with the most sophisticated technologies available, Orcheo XQ takes your examinations to new levels of clinical value and productivity.

Clinical Applications

  • Renal
  • Breast
  • Urology
  • Pediatric & Neonatal
  • Biopsy
  • Intra operative
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology (3D/4D)
  • Abdominal
  • Small Parts & Superficial
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Cardiology
  • Vascular

* Imaging ModesB-Mode,

M-Mode, CFM, PW, Duplex, Triplex, Power, Directional Power, CW, HPRF…Exclusive real time spatial compound imaging technology, iSteerTM delivers excellent resolution with unmatched penetration. Automatic image optimization feature, AutosetTM allows the user by the simple touch of a button to automatically optimize an image in 2D and spectral Doppler mode thus avoiding unnecessary manual parameters adjustments. Tissue Harmonic Imaging, particularly suitable for hard-to-image patient, the THI increases penetration while providing enhanced spatial and contrast resolution. Trapezoid imaging extends your field of view for a better analysis of the region of interest. Our exclusive 3D/4D technology makes you enter into the new dimension of OB/GYN exam by providing accurate rendering in real time and offline.

* ERIOSTM: Extended Raw Image Optimization StationExclusive proprietary technology of Sonoscanner®

ERIOSTM allows you to virtually re-run an exam long after the patient has left the room. Simply access any pre-recorded images or video clips and enhance them using tools usually available on live exams only. RTAS® “Real Time Adapting Smoothing” is one of the most useful tools of ERIOSTM : It offers the unique combination of speckle reduction, image smoothing and border delineation improvement and thus by the simple touch of a button. With the most generous storage capacity in the industry: 250Go, there is no need to worry about space shortage.

Optimized System

  • 4 active probe ports
  • Tilt and swivel 19″ high resolution LCD monitor
  • User friendly and extremely easy to use interface for improved productivity and user comfort
  • Touch screen monitor
  • Lightweight and compact system for outstanding maneuverability
  • Fast boot up and response time
  • Dicom 3.0
  • 4 wheel system with front wheel lock


Clinical Image